What is virtual currency?

Virtual currency is the online version of tokens or quarters that you use in an Arcade. It's the way to buy virtual stuff in the games that you're playing. Virtual currency via an advertising network like our API Platform means that you can click on advertiser offers and earn virtual currency for completing these offers.

I live in France, can I get virtual currency?

Yes! You can buy virtual currency by using the direct payment options, or you can take an offer. We support over 100 countries. While some countries may have less offers, we are always working with advertisers around the globe to provide cool and interesting ways for people to earn virtual currency. We're totally international guys!

I can't find the offer that I took before?

Once you have successfully completed an offer, We won't serve you the offer again. Please check your Offer History to view the offer landing page and details.

Can you give me virtual currency for free?

There are some ways to earn virtual currency for free. But there usually is a catch with it. (Nothing in life is free). We have some offers where you can fill out a simple form, your email address etc.. and if you fit the profile of a company that's interested in sending you marketing materials, they will pay us for you filling out this form. We will give you this money in the form of virtual currency. But, free always will have a catch, you will receive emails, phone calls and stuff from these advertisers and sometimes it can be annoying. So make sure you are fine with this when you fill out the free offers. Again feel free to thumbs down or write reviews about your experience with these offers. If they spam you with a high level of un-wanted calls or emails do let us know.